what is Binance and how does it work?

what is Binance and how does it work? We’ll cover everything you need to know about Bitcoin (BTC) and blockchain as it pertains to trading, investing, mining, or anything else you may be interested in learning more about today! What Is Blockchain? You probably have heard the word “blockchain” thrown around once or twice but if you just hear that term, your mind can conjure up an image of a giant spreadsheet with all sorts of numbers written on it. But it isn’t quite like this—and neither should we when talking specifically about crypto! Think of cryptocurrency as data and data is stored on blockchains. Blockchains store digital records (or in some cases, transactions) and their corresponding information (such as names and addresses). So, while we don’t see any actual physical books in our lives, cryptocurrencies are certainly not like paper bills or checks either. Binance Overview To understand better, let’s take a look at one company tha...